Jun 24Liked by Anne Seally

Such a delightful article.

I’m a French girl living in LA and my happy place is not Paris (not at all) it’s Lisbon ;) for its people, colors, food, natural light, everything.

Enjoy it ✨

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Thank you so much Anne! I am so looking forward to it!

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Omg! I wish I had even a tad of Eugenia in me says a slightly jealous almost 60 year old that sometime dream of at least one more adventure in her life. Ok now I sound really old which I am actually not 😁

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I totally know what you mean! I'm not sure if you watched any of her content but she's also a fully trained doctor, ran an accessories company for a number of years in the US, and surfs! Yeesh...

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My goodness...

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Enjoy Portugal! It's lovely. Lisboa, Porto, Cascais are all worth visiting.

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I am looking forward to it a little too much...hard to concentrate on anything else!

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Jun 26Liked by Anne Seally

I just love your newsletter. It is one of my faves! I always go down such delicious rabbit holes. Just wanted to say thank you :-) And Portugal is great. Enjoy!

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Thank you Meghan...that's always so nice to hear!

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